05 August 2007

Toy Art de Papel | Paper Toy Art

Eu particularmente amo Toy Arts, e hoje estava montando uns de papel... e existem muitos na net para download: ReadyMech, Cutnejo, Speakerdog, etc... porém o que vou compartilhar com vocês hoje é mais do que links para sites de papertoys ( A propósito é só digitar esses nomes no google ), e sim um tutorial da Computer Arts de como fazer seu própio Paper Toy Art! Link na imagem.

I particularly love Toy Arts, and today I was building some of paper... and there's lots of them on the net for download: ReadyMech, Cutnejo, SpeakerDog, etc... therefore what I'll spare today with you is more than papertoys links ( By the way you just need to type these names in google ), is a tutorial form Computer Arts about doing your own Paper Toy Art! Link at the image.