ComputerArts Brazuca | Brazilian ComputerArts
Hoje, é com muita satisfação que venho dar uma ótima notícia aos designers gráficos Brasileiros... Foi lançada a versão brasileira de uma das melhores revistas sobre design gráfico e arte digital do mundo: Computer Arts! Eu já postei vários tutoriais retirados da versão inglesa aqui no blog, e agora teremos a oportunidade de conferir mensalmente e em português o maravilhoso conteúdo desta revista. Eu já até providenciei assinatura, e aconselho fazer o mesmo. Confira!
Today, it's with great satisfaction that ill give good news for us Brazilians graphic designers... They released a brazilian version of one of the best magazines of graphic design and digital art around the world: Computer Arts! I've already posted many tutorials from the british version, and now we'll have the opportunity to check monthly and in portuguese the great content of this magazine. I had even provided the subscription of it, and I suggest to do the same. Check it out!
Today, it's with great satisfaction that ill give good news for us Brazilians graphic designers... They released a brazilian version of one of the best magazines of graphic design and digital art around the world: Computer Arts! I've already posted many tutorials from the british version, and now we'll have the opportunity to check monthly and in portuguese the great content of this magazine. I had even provided the subscription of it, and I suggest to do the same. Check it out!