Design na Brasa | Design na Brasa
O "Design na Brasa" é um evento dedicado aos estudantes das diversas áreas que abrangem o design, professores e profissionais da área que propõe discussões, palestras oficinas e atividades relacionadas com as profissões e tendências de mercado, de maneira a reciclar conhecimentos, estimular o potencial criativo e desenvolver consciência socio-ambiental aos participantes para o desenvolvimento de seus projetos e seus produtos.
O "Design na Brasa" está em sua sexta edição consecutiva na cidade de São Paulo e traz todos os anos uma questão sócio–ambiental para ser discutida e aplicada. Nas edições anteriores, foram temas: “A Poluição do Ar” e a “Inclusão Digital”. Neste ano, o tema será “ O Aquecimento Global”.
The "Design na Brasa" is an event dedicated to design students, teachers and professionals from the area to propose discussions, lectures workshops and related activities with the professions and trends of market, on a way to recycle knowledges, stimulating creative potential and develops socio-ambients conscience to the participants to the development of their projects and products.
The "Design na Brasa" is on its sixth consecutive edition on Sao Paulo and brings all years a socio-ambients question to be discussed and applied. Last editions the themes was: "The Air Pollution" and "Digital Inclusion". This year the theme will be "Global Warming".
The "Design na Brasa" is an event dedicated to design students, teachers and professionals from the area to propose discussions, lectures workshops and related activities with the professions and trends of market, on a way to recycle knowledges, stimulating creative potential and develops socio-ambients conscience to the participants to the development of their projects and products.
The "Design na Brasa" is on its sixth consecutive edition on Sao Paulo and brings all years a socio-ambients question to be discussed and applied. Last editions the themes was: "The Air Pollution" and "Digital Inclusion". This year the theme will be "Global Warming".