28 September 2007
27 September 2007
Recursos? | Resources?
I've been watching the poll results and I see that the resources are always leading, but I have a doubt about what kind you desire: brushes, vectors, textures... so it would be good to leave some comments of what kind would like... Tomorrow I'll post something about textures... until there!
Posted by Luis Francisco at 11:30 PM |
26 September 2007
Barone Design Estúdio I Barone Design Studio
É! Keep drawing...
With more than 20 years of experience as designers, and more than 10 years at the design office, the Barone Brothers institutional graphic design is kind of how it should be. Direct, functional and simple, without losing esthetic and personality. Without talking about Edson Barone´s products, also showned at the site, that is an exemple of ambiental concernment, spacial acomodation and use versatility.
That is! Continue desenhando....
24 September 2007
Sergey Nechiporenko | Sergey Nechiporenko
I need to apologize cause I'm full of works at the university and thats why I'm having trouble to maintain here updated... Today i selected a photographer's portfolio, but not any kind... A wedding specialist photographer! At the same time you should think: "What a boring thing... Wedding photos is all the same." , and I just say one thing... take a look at the wedding portfolio of this guy and tell me what you think!
Posted by Luis Francisco at 4:03 PM |
Labels: photographer, portfolio, wedding
21 September 2007
Papelaria | Stationery Set
Some time ago i've posted a flickr page with a collection of business cards to use as reference... well now i bring one of all the stationery set: envelope, business card, letterhead, etc... this one is still starting, but is already worth the favorite!
Posted by Luis Francisco at 9:37 PM |
Labels: reference, stationery
19 September 2007
Cartoon + Tatoo I Cartoon + Tatoo
O quê? Sim, é a única expressão que consegue dizer algo sobre a arte de hyung tae kin
Cartoons em alma de Tatoos.
É! Keep Drawing
Just look at those pin-ups from a world of the magical pos modern japan.What?
Yes, It´s the only therm that can tell about hyung tae kin art.
Cartoons in tatoos souls.
Thats all! Continue desenhando
Posted by José Almeida at 12:30 AM |
Labels: illustration, portfolio
17 September 2007
Tokidoki | Tokidoki
For the Toy Art lovers, Tokidoki doesn't only means milk boxes and cactus children; but means a whole collection of cute illustrations with a little evil humor inside.Tokidoki is a project made by an italian, who created with his draws a brand for toy arts, bags and acessories, etc. His illustrations are simple, but are nice to see, because are really well done; and, for those who love cute illustrations as I do, is a portfolio which you should have on your bookmarks.
Posted by Mana at 6:14 PM |
Labels: illustration, portfolio
14 September 2007
Pôsteres Gigantes | Giant Posters
I don't know if you know this site but it can be very useful... Rasterbator is a free online tool that can create huge ( up to 10m wide ) custom posters out of any uploaded image. Once poster is created it’ll provide you with several A4 sized PDF docs, which can be printed out and assembled into a giant poster. Don't forget to see the site's gallery!
13 September 2007
Mediafury | Mediafury
Mediafury is a design studio that show us creativity and ideation in all realms of design. With a great color choice, clean and clear portfolio and awesome works, this studio has a great site to show that a designer don't really need to be good in just one area!
12 September 2007
Fã ta! / Fan ta!
Fazendo do ato de beber fanta uma porta para um mundo divertido e animado (literalmente) pois através de animações básicas em shaders e vetores, é estabelecido um código rápido, eficiente e belo que será mantido em todo o site e produtos da marca.
A exemplo de sua prima maior Coca-cola, a fanta dá um show em matéria de unir um ato de consumo a um ideal estético e de atitude, tornando mais importante SER FANTA do que BEBER FANTA.
É! Keep drawing...
Well fellers... Today I´ll post about an very good site, thats not directly linked at design, but it´s a nice sample of good taste and sucess between brand and concept.
The Fanta´s site unites the modern life styles and publicity with a lot of irreverence and interactvity. Turning the act of drinking fanta into a door to the funny and animated world. With the use of this basic and vectorized animation fanta stabillishes an fast, wonderfull and eficient code that goes trhougt all the site´s secions and fanta´s brand products.
Thats nothing like fanta when we´re talking about following the exemple from it´s major "relative", coca-cola, transforming the consume act into an estetic idea and way of life, becoming being fanta more important than just drinking fanta.
Thats it! Continue desenhando...
10 September 2007
Newseum | Newseum
I discovered this site to use as reference to newspaper editorial design... Newseum shows daily more than 500 "front-pages"of newspaper from around the world. Great for who works with this or who needs reference for some work, being possible to compare newspapers and perceive actual trends of editorial design.
08 September 2007
Pacotes de Vetores | Vector Packs
06 September 2007
Weberson Santiago | Weberson Santiago
I met him another day there on Quanta where I have drawing classes... Weberson Santiago is an illustrator for Folha de São Paulo newspaper and Rolling Stone magazine's collaborator along many others publications, studied on Quanta Academia de Artes, Instituto Tomie Ohtake and is graduated on Graphic Design at UMC. He has his own style with a particular aesthetic, and is the kind of drawing that really pleases me and I hope someday I'll get there!
Posted by Luis Francisco at 9:21 PM |
Labels: illustrator, portfolio
04 September 2007
Capa CD A3 | A3 CD Cover
03 September 2007
un|still | un|still
Aurent Ziegler is a freelance photographer and filmmaker with a strong focus on the performing arts and documentary work. Un|still is about capturing moments that move and shift boundaries, a search for corners and spaces inside the process of work.It's incridible the way that our brain notices and complete the movement of action shot on the photo. I suggest to see all the series of the site.
Posted by Luis Francisco at 7:28 PM |
Labels: photographer, portfolio
02 September 2007
Busca Consciente | Search with Consciousness
This tip is for the designers concerned about the environment... Starting with the principle that if the Google was black we would save 750Megawatts-hour, Blackle, that is exactly a dark version of Google, is created. The creators believe that there is value in the concept because even if the energy savings are small, they all add up. Secondly we feel that seeing Blackle every time we load our web browser reminds us that we need to keep taking small steps to save energy. There's the tip!
Posted by Luis Francisco at 9:45 PM |
Labels: environment, search, site
01 September 2007
Hugo Werner | Hugo Werner
Hugo Werner is an Brazilian graphic designer, and his portfolio contains: experimental projects, collages, motion graphics, photographs and typography. Winner of the Adobe 2001 Design Achievement Awards in the most creative print work category. Since 2004, Hugo has been lecturing typography, motion graphics and creative process, and he is also currently finishing and releasing his digital typeface M-Parts, selected to participate at the IPT 2003 (International Poster Triennial, Japan) and the VI Golden Bee Poster Festival (Moscow, Russia).