Sergey Nechiporenko | Sergey Nechiporenko
Devo desculpas pois estou em época de trabalhos na faculdade e por isso está um pouco difícil de manter o blog atualizado diariamente... Hoje separei um portfolio de fotógrafo, mas não qualquer tipo... Um fotógrafo especialista em casamento! Na hora vocês devem pensar: "Que coisa mais chata... Foto de casamento é tudo igual.", e eu só digo uma coisa... veja o wedding portfolio desse cara e me digam o que acharem!
I need to apologize cause I'm full of works at the university and thats why I'm having trouble to maintain here updated... Today i selected a photographer's portfolio, but not any kind... A wedding specialist photographer! At the same time you should think: "What a boring thing... Wedding photos is all the same." , and I just say one thing... take a look at the wedding portfolio of this guy and tell me what you think!
I need to apologize cause I'm full of works at the university and thats why I'm having trouble to maintain here updated... Today i selected a photographer's portfolio, but not any kind... A wedding specialist photographer! At the same time you should think: "What a boring thing... Wedding photos is all the same." , and I just say one thing... take a look at the wedding portfolio of this guy and tell me what you think!