Myshli | Myshli
Computador Zoado = Posts Atrasados! Desculpa pessoal, to tendo uns problemas aki... mas logo logo tudo vai ficar direito. E hoje, um portfolio! é o portfolio pessoal de um designer de 27 anos em Moscow, Russia. Suas principais áreas são impressos, design interativo e motion design. Os trabalhos são incríveis e suas estéticas são fantásticas!
Broken Computer = Late Posts! Sorry guys, I'm having some problems here... but soon it will be fine again. And for today, a portfolio! is personal portfolio of an 27 years old designer from Moscow, Russia. The main interests are print, interactive and motion design. The works are amazing their aesthetic are fantastic!
Broken Computer = Late Posts! Sorry guys, I'm having some problems here... but soon it will be fine again. And for today, a portfolio! is personal portfolio of an 27 years old designer from Moscow, Russia. The main interests are print, interactive and motion design. The works are amazing their aesthetic are fantastic!