Carlo Giovani | Carlo Giovani
Em uma das minhas buscas por papertoys na internet descobri e fiquei maravilhado com o trabalho deste ilustrador. Carlo Giovani é brasileiro e possui um diferencial em suas ilustrações: elas não são apenas desenhos! Dê uma olhada que eu aposto que você também vai ficar impressionado com o trabalho dele.
Searching the net for papertoys I've found and became astonished with this illustrator's work. Carlo Giovani is Brazilian and has a difference in his illustrations: they are not just drawings! Take a look and I bet that you too will be impressed with his work.
Searching the net for papertoys I've found and became astonished with this illustrator's work. Carlo Giovani is Brazilian and has a difference in his illustrations: they are not just drawings! Take a look and I bet that you too will be impressed with his work.